Vaisfeld, Ilia Veniaminovich

Vaisfel’d, Il’ia Veniaminovich


Born Aug. 2 (15), 1909, in Orenburg. Soviet film critic and theoretician. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1969). Doctor of art studies (1966). Member of the CPSU since 1957.

In 1930, Vaisfel’d graduated from the department of literature and arts of Moscow University, and in 1932 he finished a postgraduate course of study at the Scientific Research Institute of Film and Photography (division of film history and theory). His works began to appear in 1928. Vaisfel’d was an editor at the Mosfil’m Motion Picture Studio. Since 1946 he has been a teacher (since 1967, a professor). The collections Problems of Writing Film Scenarios have been published since 1954 under Vaisfel’d’s editorship.


G. Kozintsev i L. Trauberg: Tvorcheskii put’. [Moscow] 1940.
Masterstvo kinodramaturga. Moscow, 1961.
Krushenie i sozidanie. Moscow, 1964.
Zavtra i segodnia. Moscow, 1968.
“Povesf i roman v kinematografe.” Iskusstvo kino, 1946, nos. 2-3.
“Revoliutsiei mobilizovannoe i priznannoe. Iskusstvo kino, 1969, no. 2.
“Gor’kii i voprosy kinodramaturgii.” Oktiabr’, 1953, no. 7.