Tsou Jung
Tsou Jung
Born 1885 in Pahsien District, Szechwan Province; died Apr. 3, 1905, in Shanghai. Chinese bourgeois revolutionary.
The son of an important merchant, Tsou studied in Japan, where he became acquainted with Western bourgeois political and philosophic ideas. His pamphlet Ko-ming chün (The Revolutionary Army), published in Shanghai in 1903, was the first printed work in China that openly and clearly drew a connection between the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a Western-style bourgeois republic. The pamphlet played a major role in the ideological preparations for the Hsinhai Revolution of 1911–13. Tsou was arrested on July 1, 1903, and subsequently died in prison.
In Russian translation:“Revoliutsionnaia armiia.” Vestnik Azii, 1910, nos. 5–6.