Piavchenko, Nikolai Ivanovich

P’iavchenko, Nikolai Ivanovich


Born Nov. 18 (Dec. 1), 1902, in Kursk. Soviet geobotanist, swamp specialist, and biogeocenologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Became a member of the CPSU in 1946.

P’iavchenko graduated from the biology department of Leningrad State University in 1938. Between 1934 and 1949 he worked in the People’s Commissariat of Agriculture of the RSFSR. Beginning in 1949 he worked at various institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Since 1968, P’iavchenko has been chairman of the presidium of the Karelian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His main work is devoted to the study of swamps, geobotany, paleogeography, and forest classification and amelioration. He has been awarded two orders and various medals.


Torfianiki russkoi lesostepi. Moscow, 1958.
Problemy povysheniia produktivnosti lesov, vol. 2: Lesoosushilel’nye meropriiatiia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. (Coauthor.)
Osnovy gidrolesomelioratsii. Moscow, 1962. (With E. D. Sabo.)
Lesnoe bolotovedenie. Moscow, 1963.