释义 |
a/c abbreviation for 1. (Accounting & Book-keeping) account 2. (Accounting & Book-keeping) account current
A/C abbreviation for (Military) (in Canada)Air Commodore AC or A.C. 1. air conditioning. 2. Also, ac, a.c., alternating current. 3. before Christ. [< Latin ante Christum] Ac 1. acetate. 2. acetyl. Ac Chem. Symbol. actinium. ac- var. of ad- before c and qu: accede; acquire. -ac var. of -ic after Greek noun stems ending in i: cardiac; maniac. [< Latin -acus < Greek -akos] A/C or a/c, 1. account. 2. account current. 3. air conditioning. a.c. (in prescriptions) before meals. [< Latin ante cibum] TranslationsSee air conditioning See air conditioningSee AC See ACA/C
A/CShorthand for air conditioning.
A/CShorthand for air conditioning.A/C
Acronym | Definition |
A/C➣Air Conditioning | A/C➣Alternating Current | A/C➣Account | A/C➣Anticoagulant | A/C➣Area Code | A/C➣Aircraft | A/C➣Activated Carbon | A/C➣Airing Cupboard | A/C➣Aircraft Commander | A/C➣Authority to Construct | A/C➣Absolute Ceiling | A/C➣Alcoholics for Christ (various locations) | A/C➣Associate Contractor | A/C➣Air to Cloth Ratio | A/C➣Assembly and Checkout | A/C➣Attack Characterization | A/C➣Alliance Chat (World of Warcraft) | ThesaurusSeeair conditioning |