US Army Corps of Engineers

US Army Corps of Engineers

Parks Directory of the United States / Parks and Conservation-Related Organizations - USAddress:441 G St NW
Washington, DC 20314

Established: 1944. Description:Manages more than 11.5 million acres of land and water for naturalresources and public recreation benefits. The Corps is the nation'slargest provider of outdoor recreation, operating more than 2,500recreation areas and leasing an additional 1,800 sites to state andlocal parks departments and to private interests. The Corps hosts about360 million visits a year at its lakes, beaches and other areas, andestimates that 25 million Americans visit a Corps project at least oncea year. Recreation sites are managed to promote the responsible use ofpublic lands while conserving the natural environment. Includes 34,600civilians and 650 Army members.

See other parks in District of Columbia.