Sartwell incubation model

Sartwell incubation model

(sart'wel), mathematic model based on empiric observations, showing that incubation periods for communicable diseases have a log-normal distribution; model holds true for certain kinds of cancers that have well-defined external causes.

Sart·well in·cu·ba·tion mod·el

(sahrt'wel ing'kyū-bā'shun mod'ĕl) Mathematical model based on empiric observations, showing that incubation periods for communicable diseases have a log-normal distribution; model holds true for certain kinds of cancers that have well-defined external causes.


Philip, U.S. epidemiologist, 1908–. Sartwell incubation model - a mathematical model based on empirical observations, showing that incubation periods for communicable diseases have a log-normal distribution.