Benedict-Hopkins-Cole reagent

Ben·e·dict-Hop·kins-Cole re·a·gent

(ben'ĕ-dikt hop'kinz kōl), magnesium glyoxalate made from a mixture of oxalic acid and magnesium used for testing proteins for the presence of tryptophan. [S. R. Benedict, F. G. Hopkins, L. Cole]


Stanley R., U.S. chemist, 1884-1936. Benedict-Hopkins-Cole reagent - magnesium glyoxalate, made from a mixture of oxalic acid and magnesium, used for testing proteins for the presence of tryptophan.Benedict solution - used to demonstrate a reducing sugar such as glucose in the urine.Benedict test for glucose - a copper reduction test for glucose in the urine.


Laurent, French pathologist, 1903–. Benedict-Hopkins-Cole reagent - see under Benedict, Stanley R


Sir Frederick G., English biochemist and Nobel laureate, 1861-1947. Benedict-Hopkins-Cole reagent - see under Benedict, Stanley R