Theodor Däubler

Däubler, Theodor


Born Aug. 17, 1876, at Trieste; died June 14, 1934, at St. Blasien. Austrian writer and art theoretician. Son of a merchant.

In Paris, Däubler was closely associated with the symbolist poets. From 1914 to 1918 he was affiliated with the expressionist movement. He is the author of the essay Struggle for Modern Art. In his cosmogonic poem Northern Lights (1910), Däubler propounds religious ideas. In his collections of poems Odes and Songs (1913), Hymn to Italy (1915), and Attic Sonnets (1924) and in his rhythmic prose works The Star Child (1917) and Holy Mount Athos (1923) Däubler glorifies art, nature, intimate experiences, and “visions.” He also wrote short stories and light novels.


Dichtungen und Schriften. Munich [1956].


Th. Däubler: Eine Einführung in sein Werk und eine Auswahl. Edited by H. Ulbricht. Wiesbaden, 1951.
Conrady, K. O. “T. Däubler.” In the collection Deutsche Dichter der Moderne. Berlin, 1965.