Big Bone Lick State Park
Big Bone Lick State Park
Location:22 miles southwest of Covington on KY 338, off US 71 and US 75.
Facilities:62-site campground with utility hookups, swimming pool (for campgroundguests only), and central service building with showers, restrooms, andlaundry facilties; 7.5-acre fishing lake, nearly 40 acres of picnicgrounds, 2 picnic shelters, playgrounds, softball fields, horseshoepits, 18-hole miniature golf course, hiking trails (3.5 miles), tennis,volleyball, and basketball courts; gift shop, outdoor museum anddiscovery trail, buffalo herd.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, tennis, volleyball, basketball,softball, recreation programs (daily), interpretive programs(seasonal).
Special Features:The scientific community recognizes this site as the "Birthplace ofAmerican Vertebrate Paleontology." Great herds of prehistoric mammalsonce roamed this area, attracted by the warm salt springs. Manyperished here, trapped in a swampy quagmire, and over time theirskeletons fossilized. Park features Discovery Trail, a paved path thattakes visitors through the area that was once a vast swampland pastdramatic Ice Age dioramas featuring life-size models of prehistoricanimals.
Address:3380 Beaver Rd
Union, KY 41091
Size: 525 acres land; 7 acres water.
See other parks in Kentucky.