pubic angle

sub·pu·bic an·gle

[TA] the angle formed between the inferior rami of the pubic bones. In the female, the angle approximates that angle between the widely extended thumb and index finger (90°); in the male, it approximates the angle between the widely abducted index and middle fingers (60°).
See also: pubic arch.
Synonym(s): angulus subpubicus [TA], pubic angle

sub·pu·bic an·gle

(sŭb-pyū'bik ang'gĕl) [TA] The angle formed between the inferior rami of the pubic bones. In the female, the angle approximates that angle between the widely extended thumb and index finger (90°); in the male, it approximates the angle between the widely abducted index and middle fingers (60°).
See also: pubic arch
Synonym(s): angulus subpubicus [TA] , pubic angle.

pubic angle

The angle formed by the junction of the rami of the pubic bones.See also: angle