Physical Development

Physical Development


a process of change in an organism and the sum total of its morphological and functional properties. Biological factors that influence the physical development of a human being include heredity, the interrelation of functional and structural characteristics, and the rate of quantitative and qualitative changes. Social factors include material and cultural levels, the distribution and use of material and nonmaterial wealth, upbringing, work, and social life.

As the sum of traits characterizing the state of an organism at different ages, physical development is one of the most important indicators of public health, along with the birth rate, morbidity, and the death rate.

Physical exercises are the primary means of directly influencing physical development. In socialist society, the comprehensive physical development of all people and the achievement of physical perfection constitute the social objective of physical education, which is based on the programs and norms of state physical-culture programs, such as Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR.