sarcomatoid carcinoma

spin·dle cell car·ci·no·ma

a carcinoma composed of elongated cells, frequently a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma that may be difficult to distinguish from a sarcoma. Synonym(s): sarcomatoid carcinoma

spindle cell carcinoma

A carcinoma—often squamous cell—which can occur on any epithelial surface (e.g., oral, anorectal, bladder, etc). The cells are spindled, simulate a sarcoma (but stain for cytokeratin), and usually are more aggressive than non-spindle cell carcinomas.

sarcomatoid carcinoma

An epithelial malignancy that can arise in any epithelial surface–eg, oral, anorectal, bladder, etc; the cells are spindled and simulate a sarcoma Diagnosis Keratin ID's by immunohistochemistry

sarcomatoid carcinoma

A carcinoma that contains both epithelial and mesenchymal components. This cancer may arise from cells in the kidney, urinary bladder, or lung. See also: carcinoma