Acronym | Definition |
STG➣STG (Sciences, Technology and Globalization) Corporation Pty LTD |
STG➣Stage |
STG➣St. George (Amtrak station code; St. George, UT) |
STG➣Sterling (silver) |
STG➣Sonar Technician Surface (US Navy) |
STG➣Staggered |
STG➣Save the Girls |
STG➣Security Threat Group (corrections) |
STG➣Said the Girl (band) |
STG➣Sturmgewehr (German: Storm Gun) |
STG➣Sciences et Technologies de La Gestion (French: Science and Technology Management; degree) |
STG➣Shiny Toy Guns (band) |
STG➣Shooting Game (video game genre) |
STG➣Seattle Theater Group (Washington) |
STG➣Systems Technology Group |
STG➣Signaling Transfer Gateway |
STG➣Storage |
STG➣Superior Temporal Gyrus |
STG➣Stomatogastric |
STG➣Steam Turbine Generator |
STG➣Security Technology Group (various organizations) |
STG➣Star Trek Generations (movie) |
STG➣SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) Terminal Guidance |
STG➣Short Term Goal(s) |
STG➣Special Tactics Group |
STG➣Space Task Group |
STG➣Scholarly Technology Group (Brown University) |
STG➣Swear to God |
STG➣Stereographic |
STG➣Screaming to God (band) |
STG➣Signal Transition Graph |
STG➣Stroytransgaz (Russian oil and gas construction company) |
STG➣Sigma Tau Gamma (fraternity) |
STG➣Strain Gage |
STG➣State Transition Graph |
STG➣Scottish Transport Group (UK) |
STG➣System Technology Group (various organizations) |
STG➣Software Technologies Group, Inc. (Chicago, IL, USA) |
STG➣Spécialités Traditionnelles Garanties (Agricultural products and foodstuffs as traditional specialities guaranteed) |
STG➣State Tretyakov Gallery (Russia) |
STG➣Short Term Gain (investing/trading) |
STG➣Slaves To Gravity (band) |
STG➣Special Task Group |
STG➣Student Travel Grant |
STG➣Standards Technology Group |
STG➣Spanning Tree Group |
STG➣Strategic Thought Group plc |
STG➣Soft Tissue Graft |
STG➣Special Transitional Grant |
STG➣Science, Technology, and Globalization (degree) |
STG➣St. George School (St. George, Maine) |
STG➣Absent in Straggler Status (US Navy) |
STG➣Squeteague (FAO fish species code) |
STG➣Switch to Ground |
STG➣Scandinavian Tobacco Group (Denmark) |
STG➣Stock Trading Game |
STG➣Systems Task Group International Ltd. |
STG➣Special Technical Group (USENIX Association) |
STG➣Stormgevär (Swedish assault rifle) |
STG➣Stormguard (gaming clan) |
STG➣Static Task Graph |
STG➣Steering Task Group |
STG➣Scientific & Technical Group (EUMETSAT) |
STG➣Standard Treatment Guide |
STG➣Sky Tower Games (gaming) |
STG➣Special Topic Group |
STG➣Sokil Transportation Group |
STG➣Structured Technology Group |
STG➣Steel thru Girder (engineering) |
STG➣Standard Trading Group (Tempe, AZ) |
STG➣Simulation Tape Generator |
STG➣Standards Task Group |
STG➣Send to Gang (gaming) |
STG➣Scanning Thermogravimetry |
STG➣(USN Rating) Sonar Technician (Surface) |
STG➣Synthetic Terrain Generator |
STG➣Speedy Target Group (Japan) |
STG➣Sally, That Girl (Gucci Crew song) |
STG➣Study Task Group |
STG➣System Time Generator |
STG➣System Test Guide |
STG➣St. George by Duffer (UK retail clothing store) |
STG➣Scotch, Tank and Ginger (programming; ROCK 102 radio; North Dakota) |