Ptolemy III
Ptolemy III
(Ptolemy Euergetes) (tŏl`əmē yo͞oûr`jĭtēz), d. 221 B.C., king of ancient Egypt (246–221 B.C.), of the Macedonian dynasty, son of Ptolemy IIPtolemy II(Ptolemy Philadelphus) , c.308–246 B.C., king of ancient Egypt (285–246 B.C.), of the Macedonian dynasty, son of Ptolemy I and Berenice (c.340–281 B.C.). He continued his father's efforts to make Alexandria the cultural center of the Greek world.
..... Click the link for more information. and the first Arsinoë. He plunged immediately into a war with Syria, where his sister, BereniceBerenice,
c.280–46 B.C., queen-consort of ancient Syria; wife of Antiochus II. She was called Berenice Syra. She was the daughter of Ptolemy II, and her marriage (252) to Antiochus II marked a temporary cessation in the wars between the Egyptian monarchs and the Seleucids.
..... Click the link for more information. , was trying to secure the throne for her son. Berenice and her son were murdered before Ptolemy could arrive, and Seleucus IISeleucus II
(Seleucus Callinicus), d. 226 B.C., king of ancient Syria (247–226 B.C.), son of Antiochus II. On his father's death there was a struggle for the throne between Seleucus and his stepmother, Berenice (on behalf of her infant son).
..... Click the link for more information. held the throne, though the Egyptian king won a brilliant if impermanent victory. Egyptian fleets controlled most of the coasts of Asia Minor and E Greece, and the kingdom was enlarged by Ptolemy's marriage to BereniceBerenice,
c.273–21 B.C., queen of ancient Cyrene and Egypt. She was the daughter and successor of King Magas of Cyrene. In 247 B.C. she married Ptolemy III, thereby effectively annexing Cyrene to Egypt.
..... Click the link for more information. , daughter and heiress of the king of Cyrene.