shoot for (something)

shoot for (something)

To strive for something; to aspire to some goal. The company is shooting for a 75% increase in profits. She's shooting for a chance to direct her own film after this one wraps up.See also: shoot

shoot for something

 1. . Lit. to aim for or at something. (Usually in reference to basketball.) The center shot for the basket just before the end of the game. Wally shot for the basket but missed. 2. Fig. to aim for something; to set something as one's goal. You have to shoot for the very best. Don't be satisfied with less. She shot for the highest attainable goal.See also: shoot

shoot for

Strive or aim for, as in We're shooting for higher production by spring. This term, alluding to aiming at something with a weapon, has largely replaced the earlier shoot at, which dates from the 1400s. See also: shoot

shoot for

v. To strive or aim for something; have something as a goal: We were disappointed, since we won only two games, and we were shooting for at least three. I might not have the report finished until Tuesday, but I'm shooting for Monday.See also: shoot