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vaginoperineotomy [vaj″ĭ-no-per″ĭ-ne-ot´ah-me] incision of the vagina and perineum.ep·i·si·ot·o·my (e-piz'ē-ot'ŏ-mē), Surgical incision of the vulva to prevent laceration at the time of delivery or to facilitate vaginal surgery. Synonym(s): vaginoperineotomy [episio- + G. tomē, incision] vaginoperineotomy (văj′ə-nō-pĕr′ə-nē-ŏt′ə-mē)n. Surgical division of the outlet of the vagina and of the adjacent portion of the perineum to facilitate childbirth.vag·i·no·per·i·ne·ot·o·my (vaj'i-nō-per'i-nē-ot'ŏ-mē) Division of the posterior aspect of the vagina and adjacent portion of the perineum to facilitate childbirth. [vagino- + perineum, + G. tomē, incision] |