Acronym | Definition |
SVP➣S'il Vous Plaît (French: Please) |
SVP➣Senior Vice President |
SVP➣Sony Vegas Pro |
SVP➣St Vincent de Paul |
SVP➣Schweizerische Volkspartei (Swiss People's Party) |
SVP➣Social Venture Partners |
SVP➣Sexually Violent Predator |
SVP➣Strategic Value Partners (various locations) |
SVP➣SmoothVideo Project (software) |
SVP➣Service Processor |
SVP➣Specific Vocational Preparation (Department of Labor) |
SVP➣Specific Vocational Preparation |
SVP➣SpectraLink Voice Priority |
SVP➣Society of Vertebrate Paleontology |
SVP➣Small Volume Parenteral |
SVP➣Senior Volunteer Program (various organizations) |
SVP➣Sonique Visual Plug-in |
SVP➣Single Vulnerability Problem |
SVP➣Simple Visual Profile |
SVP➣Service Provider |
SVP➣Search Vista Platform |
SVP➣Surface Vertical Package |
SVP➣Spectralink Voice Prioritization |
SVP➣Südtiroler Volkspartei (People's Party of South Tyrol/Altoadige) |
SVP➣Saturated Vapor Pressure |
SVP➣School Violence Prevention (various locations) |
SVP➣Sustainable Value Proposition |
SVP➣Switched Virtual Path |
SVP➣Student Volunteer Program (National Institute of Standards and Technology) |
SVP➣Social Visit Pass (Singapore) |
SVP➣soil and vent pipe |
SVP➣Smallpox Vaccination Program |
SVP➣Secure Video Processor |
SVP➣Site Vice President (various companies) |
SVP➣Supervised Visitation Program (various organizations) |
SVP➣Stream Valley Park |
SVP➣Sales Volume Planning |
SVP➣Stored Value Product |
SVP➣Sound Velocity Profile |
SVP➣Software Validation Plan |
SVP➣Single-Ventricle Palliation (cardiology) |
SVP➣Software Validation Protocol |
SVP➣Silicon Virtual Prototyping (computer chip design) |
SVP➣Stable Value Protection |
SVP➣Special Visibility Program |
SVP➣System Verification Plan |
SVP➣Small Value Purchase |
SVP➣Southern Tyrols People's Party (Italy) |
SVP➣Save Percentage (hockey goaltender stat) |
SVP➣Secure Vault Payment (online payment processing) |
SVP➣Significant Vernal Pool (habitat) |
SVP➣SelectVideo Publishing |
SVP➣Surface Velocity Programme (superseded by the GDP) |
SVP➣Software Verification Plan |
SVP➣Surge Voltage Protector |
SVP➣Single Voyage Permit |
SVP➣Shakopee Valley Printing (Minnesota printing company) |
SVP➣Stride Value Predictor (computing) |
SVP➣Stress Volume Performance |
SVP➣Symantec Value Program |
SVP➣Systeme mit Verteilten Parametern (German) |
SVP➣Spontaneous Venous Pulsation |
SVP➣Secure Virginia Panel |
SVP➣Standardized VCR (Voluntary Compliance Resolution) Procedure (US IRS) |
SVP➣Schlechte Verlierer Partei (Switzerland) |
SVP➣(combined) Soil & Vent Pipe (British building industry) |
SVP➣Static-Classification Value Predictor |
SVP➣Special Vehicle Program (Ford Motor Co.) |