Acronym | Definition |
PTM➣Post-Translational Modifications |
PTM➣Porsche Traction Management |
PTM➣Portugal The Man (band) |
PTM➣Point-To-Multipoint |
PTM➣Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego (Polish: Polish Mathematical Society) |
PTM➣Pashtoon Tahafuz Movement (Afghanistan) |
PTM➣Performance Traction Management |
PTM➣Point to Multipoint |
PTM➣Partition Table Management |
PTM➣Poly Tracker Module |
PTM➣Port Manager |
PTM➣Polynomial Texture Map (images) |
PTM➣Please Tell Me |
PTM➣Payroll Tax Management (various companies) |
PTM➣Parent-Teacher Meeting |
PTM➣Project Team Management |
PTM➣Pricing-to-Market (sales) |
PTM➣Play Too Much |
PTM➣Project Team Meeting (various organizations) |
PTM➣Packet Transfer Mode |
PTM➣Please Touch Museum (Philadelphia, PA) |
PTM➣Pulse-Time Modulation |
PTM➣Plain Truth Magazine (ministry publication) |
PTM➣Particle Theory of Matter |
PTM➣Predictive Technology Model |
PTM➣Physico-Technical Medicine |
PTM➣Powdered Toast Man (Ren & Stimpy cartoon character) |
PTM➣Prime Target Market |
PTM➣Part-Time Manager |
PTM➣Passenger Transfer Message (airline industry) |
PTM➣Phonetically Tied Mixture |
PTM➣Paint-to-Match (automobiles) |
PTM➣PolyTracker Module Format (digital music file format) |
PTM➣Photon Tunneling Microscopy |
PTM➣Personnel Transport Module (for Landing Craft Air Cushion, LCAC) |
PTM➣Proof Test Model |
PTM➣Petition to Modify |
PTM➣Pall Trinity Micro (Cortland, NY) |
PTM➣Performance and Talent Management (efficiency measurement) |
PTM➣Push to Media (telecommunications) |
PTM➣Pulse Time Multiplex |
PTM➣Plesiochronous Transfer Mode |
PTM➣Pencil Thin Mustache (Jimmy Buffet song) |
PTM➣Partner Territory Manager (Sprint) |
PTM➣Pipe Traffic Manager (InterMidi) |
PTM➣Passenger Transfer Manifest (aviation) |
PTM➣Paneer Tikka Masala (food) |
PTM➣Paddle Tension Monitor |
PTM➣Performance Test Model |
PTM➣Propulsion Technology Modernization |
PTM➣Physical Technology Model |
PTM➣Power Transducer Module |
PTM➣Parallel Table Management (Red Brick) |
PTM➣Phenyltrimethoxysilane (chemistry) |