

单词 pti



Portable Tool Interface



A gene on chromosome 6p25 that encodes a member of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family, which was first described as a placental thrombin inhibitor. SERPINB6 inhibits cathepsin G, kallikrein-8 and thrombin, and may play an important role in protecting the inner ear against leakage of lysosomal content during stress.
Molecular pathology
SERPINB6 mutations are associated with nonsyndromic progressive hearing loss.


Abbreviation for pressure-time index.


PTIPress Trust of India
PTIPardon The Interruption
PTIParque Tecnologico Itaipu (Portuguese: Itaipu Technological Park; Brazil)
PTIPower Technologies, Inc.
PTIPost-Tensioning Institute
PTIPre-Trip Inspection (transportation)
PTIProtection Travailleur Isolé (French: Lone Worker Protection System)
PTIPiedmont Triad International (airport code)
PTIPolskiego Towarzystwa Informatycznego (Polish: Polish Information Processing Society)
PTIPhoton Technology International (various locations)
PTIPower Technologies International (Siemens)
PTIPower to Innovate (UK)
PTIPattern-Triggered Immunity (plant biology)
PTIPermit To Install
PTIPittsburgh Technical Institute (Oakdale, Pennsylvania)
PTIPublic Technology Institute (Washington, DC)
PTIPortable Test Instrument
PTIPanel Link Tv-Out Interface
PTIPayload Type Identifier
PTIParallel Technologies Inc.
PTIPromise Technology Inc.
PTIParent Training and Information (various locations)
PTIPublic Transport Interchange (various locations)
PTIPublic Transport Information
PTIPretax Income
PTIPower Training Institute
PTIPremier Travel Inn (UK)
PTIPhysical Training Instructor
PTIPalomar Testbed Interferometer (observatory)
PTIPublic Technology, Inc.
PTIParallel Technologies Inc
PTIPre Trial Intervention
PTIPreviously Taxed Income
PTIPeriodic Technical Inspection (road safety)
PTIPractice Team Information (UK)
PTIPlay Ten Interactive (interactive entertainment software publisher; Moscow, Russia)
PTIPolice Training Institute
PTIProton Therapy Institute (University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL)
PTIPollution Tolerance Index
PTIPakistan Tehrik-E-Insaaf
PTIPlaymates Toys, Inc. (El Segundo, CA)
PTIPayment to Income
PTIPrinting Technology Inc (Chatsworth, CA)
PTIPerpetual Testing Initiative (Portal 2)
PTIParent Training Information Center
PTIPayload Type Indicator
PTIPacket Type Identifier
PTIProof Tracking Index (IEC 60112)
PTIPhysical Therapy International (various locations)
PTIPenetrating Thoracic Injury
PTIParent-Teacher Interview
PTIPrimary Trend Index (Richard Russell coined financial analysis term)
PTIProfit-Taking Index
PTIPhoenix Technologies Inc
PTIPersonnel Transaction Identifier
PTIPuente Terrestre Interoceanico (Spanish: Interoceanic Land Bridge)
PTIPhiladelphia Theatre Initiative (Philadelphia, PA)
PTIPressure Time Index
PTIProxima Therapeutics Inc.
PTIPortola Tech International (Cumberland, RI)
PTIPenn Telecom, Inc. (Pennsylvania)
PTIPublic Training Institute
PTIPublic Trust Initiative (US National Institutes of Health)
PTIProgrammable Transport Interface
PTIPlatform Train Interface (London Underground)
PTIPower Tool Institute, Inc.
PTIPara Tu Información
PTIPresidential Technology Initiative
PTIPlanning Time Index
PTIProgrammed Test Input
PTIPharmaceutical Technologies International, Inc
PTIPacific Telesis International
PTIProtection Technology Idaho (contractor, INEL)
PTIPath Trace Identifier (SDH or Sonet Technology)
PTIPsychotherapists Training Institute (Milford, MA)
PTIPayroll Transfers Inc
PTIPositive Target Identification (airline security)
PTIPreviously Tax Income
PTIParallel Telemetry Interface (Lucent)
PTIProposed Technical Improvement
PTIParticulate Trap Inlet
PTIPerformance Test Instructions (Agilent)
PTIPyron Technologies, Inc.
PTIPost Tenancy Inspection (UK)




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