Acronym | Definition |
TBT➣Throwback Thursday |
TBT➣Tampa Bay Times (Tampa Bay, FL) |
TBT➣Technical Barriers to Trade |
TBT➣Today's Big Thing |
TBT➣Turn Back Time |
TBT➣Trampled by Turtles (band) |
TBT➣The Butterfly Tattoo (film) |
TBT➣Tom Brown Tracker (wilderness; Manahawkin, NJ) |
TBT➣Travel by Train (Europe) |
TBT➣Temple Beth Torah (various locations) |
TBT➣Triple Base Technology (snowboards) |
TBT➣the Big Three |
TBT➣Total Body Trainer (exercise equipment) |
TBT➣To Be Tested |
TBT➣Tow Bowl Tactics (game) |
TBT➣The Bible Translator (journal) |
TBT➣Turquoise Biomedical Technologies (UK) |
TBT➣Turn-By-Turn |
TBT➣Technology Based Training |
TBT➣Twisted Brown Trucker (band) |
TBT➣Tributylin |
TBT➣Truth Be Told |
TBT➣Time Based Text (computer project) |
TBT➣Très Basse Tension (French: very low voltage) |
TBT➣Through Bore Tree (energy exploration) |
TBT➣Tropical Bont Tick (parasite) |
TBT➣Temple Beth Tikvah (Fullerton, California synagogue) |
TBT➣Tabatinga, Amazonas, Brazil (Airport Code) |
TBT➣Tool Box Talk (safety talk) |
TBT➣Tampa Bay Technical High School (Florida) |
TBT➣Total Bottom Time (SCUBA diving) |
TBT➣Transcontinental Bluebird Trail |
TBT➣Thunder Bay Television |
TBT➣Tetrabutyl Titanate |
TBT➣That Bouncy Thing |
TBT➣The Bell Tree (Nintendo game) |
TBT➣Toshiba Bravethunders (sports team; Japan) |
TBT➣Très Basse Température (French: very low temperature) |
TBT➣Turn-Based Tactics (gaming) |
TBT➣Tail-Biting Trellis (code) |
TBT➣Telemarketing and Business Telecommunications (convention) |
TBT➣Tetrabutoxytitanium |
TBT➣Turbine Blade Temperature |
TBT➣Transformation-Based Tagger |
TBT➣Total Body Temperature |
TBT➣Task-Based Training |
TBT➣Technical Bid Tabulation (engineering) |
TBT➣Team-Based Training |
TBT➣Taco Bell Tuesday |