Acronym | Definition |
TBSM➣Tivoli Business System Manager |
TBSM➣Table Builder Services Message |
TBSM➣Tivoli Business Service Manager |
TBSM➣task-based specification methodology |
TBSM➣Tivoli Business Systems Manager |
TBSM➣The Batman/Superman Movie |
TBSM➣Technological and Base Sciences for the Medicine (Euro Mediterranean Scientific and Biomedical Institute) |
TBSM➣Tom Brown's School Museum (Oxfordshire, UK) |
TBSM➣Tibet Autonomus Regional Bureau of Surveying and Mapping |
TBSM➣total body skeletal muscle |
TBSM➣The Bob Sakamano Movement |
TBSM➣tracheo-bronchial smooth muscle |
TBSM➣The Bike Shed Mortdale (Mortdale, NSW, Australia) |
TBSM➣Treasury and Balance Sheet Management |
TBSM➣Theory-Based Software Metrics |
TBSM➣The Box Social Madness (band) |
TBSM➣The Bible Student Magazine (Bible Student Press) |
TBSM➣Toronto-Buffalo-Syracuse Metropolitan corridor (US-Canada) |
TBSM➣taux brut de scolarisation masculine |
TBSM➣Total Balance Sheet Management |
TBSM➣tri-n-butylstannyl methacrylate |
TBSM➣time between scheduled maintenance |
TBSM➣Time Based Service Manager (Mobiligent Solutions) |