(Sarai Malyi [Little Sarai]; now the village of Saraichikovskoe, Makhambet Raion, Gur’ev Oblast, Kazakh SSR), a city of the Golden Horde, situated on the ancient trade route from the Lower Volga region to Khwarazm (Khorezm). In 1395 the troops of Tamerlane destroyed Saraichik. The city, later rebuilt, was the capital of the Nogai Horde. It was completely destroyed by the cossacks in 1580. Exploratory excavations of Saraichik were carried out in 1861, 1937, and 1950.
Arziutov, N. K. “Otchet o raskopkakh, proizvedennykh ν 1937 na meste razvalin Zolotoordynskogo g. Saraichika.” Izv. AN Kazakh-skoi SSR: Seriia arkheologicheskaia. 1949, no. 67, issue 2.Grekov, B. D., and A. Iu. Iakubovskii. Zolotaia Orda i ee padenie. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.