

单词 sara
释义 DictionarySeeSarahIdiomsSeeque sera sera





in the Bible, wife of AbrahamAbraham
[according to the Book of Genesis, Heb.,=father of many nations] or Abram
[Heb.,=exalted father], in the Bible, progenitor of the Hebrews; in the Qur'an, ancestor of the Arabs.
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 and mother of IsaacIsaac
[Heb.,=laughter], according to the patriarchal narratives of the Book of Genesis, Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sara. He married Rebecca, and their sons were Esau and Jacob. Ishmael was his half-brother.
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. With RebeccaRebecca
or Rebekah
, wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob. One day, as was her custom, she drew water at the city well; while there she showed kindness to Eliezer, Abraham's servant. He had been sent to select a suitable wife for Abraham's son, Isaac, and he chose Rebecca.
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, RachelRachel
, in the Bible, wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. She is one of the four Jewish matriarchs. An alternate form is Rahel.
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, and LeahLeah
, in the Bible, Laban's elder, less beautiful daughter and Jacob's first wife.
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, she was one of the four Hebrew matriarchs. Her name was originally Sarai [Heb.,=princess]. She was childless until, by divine favor, she gave birth to Isaac in her old age. After his birth, jealous of her handmaid HagarHagar
or Agar
, according to the Book of Genesis, servant of Abraham's wife Sarah and mother of his eldest son, Ishmael. She and her son were sent out into the wilderness because of Sarah's jealousy. An angel aided her there.
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, who was Abraham's concubine, she drove Hagar and her son IshmaelIshmael
[Heb.,=God hears], in the Bible. 1 Son of Abraham and Hagar; ancestor of 12 tribes in N Arabia. Through Sara's jealousy he and his mother were sent into the desert, where the angel of the Lord encountered them at a spring.
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 into the desert to die. Sarah is said to have died in Hebron and to have been buried in the cave of Machpelah. The Sarah in the Book of Numbers is the same as SerahSerah
, in the Bible, daughter of Asher. Her name is also spelled Sarah.
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A gene on chromosome 10q22.1 that encodes a protein involved in transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. SAR1A is required to maintain SEC16A localisation at discrete locations on the ER membrane. SAR1A-GTP-dependent assembly of SEC16A on the ER membrane forms an organised scaffold that defines endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (ERES).



See Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act.


SARASuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (US EPA)
SARASpecies At Risk Act (Canada)
SARAScandinavian Arabian Racing Association (Sweden)
SARAScale For the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (neurology)
SARAStichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam
SARASgml Aware Retrieval Application
SARAScanning Analysis Response and Assessment
SARAScholarly Articles Research Alerting
SARASymposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation
SARASociety of Amateur Radio Astronomers
SARAState Adoption Resource Agency (India)
SARASecurity Auditor's Research Assistant
SARASociety of American Registered Architects
SARASpousal Assault Risk Assessment
SARAServices Acquisition Reform Act (USA)
SARASuccessor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency (San Jose, CA)
SARASubacute Ruminal Acidosis
SARASevern Area Rescue Association (UK)
SARASMAD Anchor for Receptor Activation
SARASexual Assault Resource Agency
SARASexually Acquired Reactive Arthritis
SARAService Animal Relief Area
SARASharing America's Resources Abroad (Ohio)
SARASíndrome da Angústia Respiratória Aguda (Portuguese: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
SARASuperfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act of 1986
SARASaturates, Aromatics, Resins, and Asphaltenes (petroleum analysis)
SARASonic Arts Research Archive (database; UK)
SARAService Animal Registry of America
SARASelective Aldosterone Receptor Antagonist
SARASociety for Applied Research in Aging
SARASaratoga National Historic Park (US National Park Service)
SARAScientific Applications & Research Associates, Inc.
SARASoftware Architecture Review and Assessment
SARASouth African Reward Association
SARASouthern Automobile Racing Association
SARASystem Architects' Apprentice
SARASatellite pour Astronomie Radio Amateur (French amateur radio astronomy satellite)
SARAStreekarchivariaat Regio Achterhoek
SARAScan, Analyze, Respond, and Assess (problem-solving model used by law enforcement)
SARAStudy of Acid Reflux and Asthma
SARASouthern Applied Research Association (Canada)
SARASAP Archive Administration
SARASquadron Assistance/Risk Assessment
SARAShock, Anger, Rejection, Acceptance (reactions to change)
SARAService Academy Research Associate (program)
SARASpanish-American Riding Academy
SARASafety Analysis and Risk Assessment (various organizations)
SARAStällning, Andning, Riktning, Avfyring (Swedish shooting reminder)
SARAShoreline Amateur Radio Association (Long Beach, CA)
SARASouth-central Alaska Radio Association
SARASexual Assault and Response Awareness program
SARAStation Aerostransportable Reconnaissance Aerienne
SARASystems Accounting & Resource Analysis
SARASprint Automated Rate Analysis
SARASystem for Anesthetic and Respiratory Analysis




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