

单词 ptf



Program Temporary Fix



Abbreviation for plasma thromboplastin factor.


PTFPassing the Flame
PTFPermit to Fly (European Aviation Safety Agency)
PTFParent Teacher Fellowship
PTFPrecise Time and Frequency
PTFProperty Trust Fund
PTFPrime Time Freeware (free software resource)
PTFProgram Temporary Fix
PTFPalm to Forehead
PTFPrint to File
PTFPlain Text Format
PTFProblem Trouble Fix
PTFParametric Text Format
PTFPrivate Transfer Fee (real estate)
PTFPartenaires Techniques et Financiers (French: Technical and Financial Partners)
PTFPolymer Thick Film
PTFPeak-Trough Fluctuation (clinical trials)
PTFProsjekt Til Fordypning (Norwegian: Project-Depth Study; student competency)
PTFPrior to Funding (finance)
PTFPath to Freedom
PTFPound to Fit
PTFProposition Technique et Financière (French: Technical and Financial Proposal)
PTFPalomar Transient Factory
PTFProductivité Totale des Facteurs (French)
PTFPhase Transfer Function
PTFPraise the Fallen (VNV Nation music album)
PTFPatrol Torpedo, Fast (Naval Attack Craft)
PTFPolo Training Foundation (Tully, NY)
PTFProbably The First
PTFFast Patrol Craft
PTFMalololailai, Fiji - Malololailai (Airport Code)
PTFPillow to Face
PTFPlatform Task Force
PTFPolice Task Force
PTFProject Task Force (also seen as PROTAF)
PTFPRTG (Paessler Router Traffic Grapher) Tools Family (Paessler AG)
PTFPersonnel Transaction Forms
PTFPart Time Flex
PTFPayload Test Facility
PTFPatch & Test Facility
PTFPolynomial Threshold Function (theoretical computer science)
PTFPlatform Tray Feeder
PTFPower Trading Forum (UK power exchange interest group)
PTFPayload Training Facility
PTFProton Therapy Facility
PTFPermanent Temporary Fix (humor)
PTFProbabilistic Trend Family
PTFPure Talk Forum (forum)
PTFPetroleum Training Federation (UK)
PTFPlaystation Theme File (file extension PSP system theme)
PTFPipe Taper Fine (threading)
PTFPart Table File (Cadence File Format for Schematic Parts)
PTFPower Transfer Factor
PTFPull Test Facility
PTFPart-Time Friend
PTFPart-Time Factor
PTFPayload Type Field
PTFPurchase Trigger File
PTFParcel Transfer Fee
PTFProgrammed To Fail
PTFPalm to Face
PTFPer-Tone Filter
PTFPourquoi Take French (educational song)
PTFProtect the Family




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