释义 |
phreniconeurectomy phren·i·cec·to·my (fren'i-sek'tŏ-mē), Exsection of a portion of the phrenic nerve, to prevent reunion such as may follow phrenicotomy. Synonym(s): phrenectomy, phrenicoexeresis, phreniconeurectomy [phreni- + G. ektomē, excision] phren·i·cec·to·my , phrenectomy , phreniconeurectomy (fren'i-sek'tŏ-mē, -ektŏ-mē, -i-kō-nūr-ektŏ-mē) Excision of a portion of the phrenic nerve, to prevent reunion such as may follow phrenicotomy. Synonym(s): phrenicoexeresis. [phreni- + G. ektomē, excision]phreniconeurectomy (frĕn″ĭ-kō-nū-rĕk′tō-mē) [″ + neuron, nerve, + ektome, excision] Excision of part of the phrenic nerve. |