Tsetsiliia Samoilovna Bobrovskaia

Bobrovskaia, Tsetsiliia Samoilovna


(née Zelikson). Born Sept. 7 (19), 1876, in Velizh, Vitebsk Province; died July 6, 1960, in Moscow. Soviet Party figure; scientific worker. Born into the family of an office worker. Participated in the revolutionary movement from 1894. Member of the Communist Party from 1898.

Bobrovskaia was an agent of Iskra. She engaged in Party work in Warsaw, Kharkov, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Tver’, Tiflis, Baku, Moscow, and other cities and was subjected to repression. In 1904 she was a member of the Baku committee of the RSDLP and in 1905 was a member of the Party’s Lefortovo Raion committee in Moscow. During 1906–07 she was secretary of the Moscow Oblast bureau of the RSDLP and then secretary of the okrug committee. In 1917, Bobrovskaia was a member of the Serpukhov committee, secretary of the Moscow okrug committee of the RSDLP (Bolshevik), and an active participant in the October Revolution. From March 1919 to May 1920 she headed the military department of the Moscow committee of the RCP (Bolshevik). She worked in Istpart (Commission on Party History) of the Central Committee (CC) of the RCP (Bolshevik) from May 1920 and in the Comintern from 1928 to 1940. From 1940 she was a scientific worker in the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the auspices of the CC CPSU. Bobrovskaia was the author of memoirs and works on Party history. She was awarded the Order of Lenin.


Zapiski podpol’shchika, ¡894–1917. Moscow, 1958.
Stranitsy iz revoliutsionnogo proshlogo (1903–1908 gg.). Moscow, 1955.
I. V. Babushkin, 2nd ed. Leningrad, 1939.