Tselikov, Aleksandr

Tselikov, Aleksandr Ivanovich


Born Apr. 7 (20), 1904, in Moscow. Soviet metallurgical scientist, designer of rolling mills and other metallurgical units. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964; corresponding member, 1953); Hero of Socialist Labor (1964). Member of the CPSU since 1945.

Tselikov graduated from the N. E. Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in 1928. From 1925 to 1935 he was a designer at Stal’proekt, at the Serp i Molot Plant, and at a plant in Izhevsk. He began teaching at higher educational institutions in 1935, becoming a professor at the Moscow Higher Technical School in 1949. From 1945 to 1959, Tselikov headed a central design office. In 1959 he became the director of the All-Union Research and Design Institute of Metallurgical Machine Building.

Tselikov developed a theory of rolling and methods for designing rolling mills. He directed and took part in the development and introduction into industry of unique mills and units, such as blooming mills, continuous tube-rolling and tube-welding mills, and stamping presses that produce a force of 735 meganewtons (75,000 tons-force). He also helped develop the technology and units for the combined continuous casting and rolling of metals and the combined welding and rolling of tubes, as well as fundamentally new processes and the necessary equipment for the rolling of die-rolled sections, spheres, screws, axles, gears, and other finished products.

Tselikov received the State Prize of the USSR in 1947, 1948, and 1951, the Lenin Prize in 1964, and the M. V. Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1974. He has been awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, two other orders, and various medals.


Prokatnye stany. Moscow, 1946.
Mekhanizmy prokatnykh stanov. Moscow, 1946.
Teoriia rascheta usilii v prokatnykh stanakh. Moscow, 1962.
Osnovy teorii prokatki. Moscow, 1965.
Spetsial’ nye prokatnye stany. Moscow, 1971. (Coauthor.)
Prokatnye stany: nastoiashchee i budushchee. Moscow, 1974.
Sovremennoe razvitie prokatnykh stanov. Moscow, 1972. (With V. I. Ziuzin.)