

单词 tse



abbr. transmissible spongiform encephalopathy


abbreviation for 1. (Veterinary Science) transmissible spongiform encephalopathy: any of a group of degenerative brain diseases, including BSE in cattle, that can be transmitted from one individual or species to another 2. (Stock Exchange) Toronto Stock Exchange


transmissible spongiform encephalopathy.



abbr. transmissible spongiform encephalopathy


Abbreviation for:
testicular self-examination 
total skin examination
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy


Abbreviation for testicular self-examination.


Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)

The largest stock exchange in Japan with the some of the most active trading in the world.

Tokyo Stock Exchange

The second largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization. The TSE was established in 1878. After World War II, it experienced growth unprecedented in history. By the early 1990s, it accounted for approximately 60% of the world's market capitalization. It has since fallen because of the Asian Financial Crisis, but it remains one of the world's most important exchanges.


1. See Tokyo Stock Exchange.2. See Toronto Stock Exchange.


TSETokyo Stock Exchange
TSEToronto Stock Exchange (TSX since April, 2002)
TSETribunal Superior Eleitoral (Brazil)
TSETechnical Support Engineer
TSETest of Spoken English (Educational Testing Service)
TSETribunal Supremo Electoral (Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Guatemala)
TSETransactions on Software Engineering (IEEE publication)
TSETechnical Support Executive (various locations)
TSETransmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy
TSETechnical Service Engineer (various companies)
TSETaiwan Stock Exchange
TSETarjeta Sanitaria Europea (Spanish: European Health Insurance Card)
TSEThe Second Encounter (video game)
TSEThe Special Event (various locations)
TSETerminal Server Edition (Microsoft NT Server)
TSEThomas Stearns Eliot (poet, critic, editor; 1888-1965)
TSETree Search Engine
TSETerminal Server Edition
TSETerminal Services Edition
TSETesticular Self-Examination (for cancer)
TSETraditional Search Engine (computing)
TSETurbo Spin Echo (MRI)
TSEToulouse School of Economics (France)
TSETotal Solar Eclipse
TSETruck Stop Electrification
TSEThe Satellite Encyclopedia (Tag's Broadcasting Services)
TSETactical Site Exploitation
TSETravailleurs Sans Emploi (French: Unemployed Workers; Belgium)
TSETwin-Screw Extruder (high-intensity mixer)
TSETraffic Safety Education
TSETreated Sewage Effluent
TSETotal System Error
TSETravel Search Engine
TSETechnology, Society, Environment Studies (Carleton University; Canada)
TSETwo Stroke Engine
TSETurk Standartlari Enstitusu (Turkish: Turkish Standards Institute; est. 1960)
TSETrans-Siberian Express
TSETactical Security Element
TSETaxe Spéciale d'Equipement (French: Special Equipment Tax)
TSETransportation Support Equipment (US NASA)
TSEThayer School of Engineering (Dartmouth College)
TSETri-State Employment Services, Inc. (New York)
TSETime Stamp Event (software)
TSEThe Sofia Echo (Bulgaria English Language Newspaper)
TSETransition Special Education
TSEThe Silent Elite (gaming)
TSETerminal Server Emulation
TSETissue-Specific Extinguisher
TSETechnical Services for Electronics, Inc. (cable assembly manufacturer in Minnesota, USA)
TSETest Systems Engineering
TSETwo-Step Estimator
TSETension Stringing Equipment
TSETechnical Surveillance Equipment
TSETopology State Element
TSETritium Science and Engineering
TSETemperature Sensing Element (climate control)
TSETerminal Switching Exchange
TSETest Sequence Error
TSEThreaded Small End
TSETransport Support Enabled
TSETAACOM Support Element
TSETentative Symbol Estimation
TSETechnical Support Enhanced
TSETactical Support Element/Equipment
TSETelephone Support Engineer
TSETOC Support Element
TSETexas Southeastern Railroad Company
TSEThoughtstorm Entertainment
TSETRADOC Support Element
TSETom Savage Explosion (band)
TSETypical Software Engineer


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