

单词 ptd



(electronics) posttuning drift



Abbreviation for phosphatidyl.


PTDPainted (architectural)
PTDPokemon Tower Defense
PTDPermanent Total Disability (insurance term)
PTDPrevention through Design (various organizations)
PTDProperty Tax Division
PTDPage Table Directory
PTDPower Transmission and Distribution
PTDPre-Trial Diversion (prosecution program; various locations)
PTDParticipatory Technology Development
PTDPackage Travel Directive (EU)
PTDProtein Transduction Domain
PTDPublic Trust Doctrine
PTDProfessional Truck Driver
PTDPolskiego Towarzystwa Dysleksji (Polish: Polish Dyslexia Association)
PTDPositive Tone Development (lithography)
PTDProtected Trust Deed (debt arrangement; Scotland, UK)
PTDProduct Transfer Document (regulations)
PTDProvisioning Technical Documentation
PTDPeriod to Date
PTDPhysical Theory of Diffraction
PTDPeople These Days
PTDPaper Towel Dispenser
PTDPrice to Dealer
PTDParallel Transfer Disk Drive
PTDPostal and Telegraph Department (Burma)
PTDPathway to Discovery
PTDPersonal Trusted Device (First Access)
PTDPaid-To Date
PTDPre Term Delivery
PTDPost Tour Depression
PTDProject Task Description (various organizations)
PTDPersonal Transport Dinosaur (gaming slang)
PTDPlant Test Date (telecommunications)
PTDPortland Technology Development (Intel)
PTDPrior to Doc (loans)
PTDPayable Through Draft (banking)
PTDProduct Testing Division
PTDPilot to Dispatcher
PTDPage Table Descriptor
PTDPacket Transfer Delay
PTDProbable Toxic Dose
PTDPhased Threat Distribution
PTDPalmeiras Todo Dia (Brazilian soccer team Palmeiras' fan site)
PTDPercutaneous Transhepatic Drainage (biology)
PTDProject on Transitional Democracies (political advocacy group)
PTDPersonal Therapy Device (wellness product)
PTDPick to Display (PictureView)
PTDPen-Tele Data
PTDPortable Top Drive (drilling rigs/platforms)
PTDPermission to Drop (university)
PTDPartial Transfer Delivery (brokerage)
PTDPacket Telecommand Decoder (aerospace engineering)
PTDPage Turning Device (Stargate SG-1)
PTDPanhandle Transit District (Texas)
PTDProceed To Dial
PTDProvisional Technical Documentation
PTDPost Traumatic Disease
PTDPersonnel Technologies Directorate
PTDProgrammer Test Description
PTDPulse Train Discriminator (engineering)
PTDPreliminary Training Development
PTDProcess Technology Department
PTDParking Ticket Device
PTDPreemptive Threat Defense (Preventsys)
PTDProceed to Dismissal




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