释义 |
SOAP acronym for subjective data, objective data, assessment, plan, the way the progress notes are organized in problem-oriented record keeping.
soap [sōp] any compound of one or more fatty acids, or their equivalents, with an alkali. Soap is detergent and used as a cleanser.green soap (medicinal soap) (soft soap) a soap made from vegetable oils other than coconut oil or palm kernel oil, potassium hydroxide as an alkali, and glycerin.SAPO
Acronym | Definition |
SAPO➣South African Post Office | SAPO➣Serviço de Apontadores Portugueses (Portuguese ISP and portal) | SAPO➣South Africa Post Office | SAPO➣Specified Animal Pathogens Order (UK) | SAPO➣Street Activity Permit Office (New York) | SAPO➣South Australian Policy Online | SAPO➣Subarea Petroleum Office | SAPO➣Silico-Aluminophosphate | SAPO➣System Effects Audio Processing Object (Microsoft) | SAPO➣Space Applications Program Office (USAF) |