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DictionarySeeosteodystrophyEncyclopediaSeeOsteodystrophyrenal osteodystrophy
osteodystrophy [os″te-o-dis´trŏ-fe] abnormal development of bone.renal osteodystrophy a condition due to chronic kidney disease and renal failure, marked by impaired vitamin D metabolism, elevated serum phosphorus levels, low or normal serum calcium levels, and stimulation of parathyroid function. There may be any of various bone diseases, including osteitis fibrosa cystica, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and sometimes osteosclerosis. If onset is in childhood, dwarfism" >renal dwarfism may result.re·nal os·te·o·dys·tro·phygeneralized bone changes resembling osteomalacia and rickets or osteitis fibrosa, occurring in children or adults with chronic renal failure.re·nal os·te·o·dys·tro·phy (rē'năl os'tē-ō-dis'trŏ-fē) Generalized bone changes resembling osteomalacia and rickets or osteitis fibrosa, occurring in chronic renal failure. AcronymsSeerate of descent |