Svetolik Rankovic

Ranković, Svetolik


Born Dec. 7, 1863, in Moštanica, near Belgrade; died Mar. 18, 1899, in Belgrade. Serbian writer.

After graduating from a seminary in Belgrade and from the Kiev Theological Academy (1889), Ranković taught theology. He began publishing in 1892. His short stories (Pictures From Life, 1904) and novels (King of the Forest, 1897; Village Schoolmistress, 1899; Wrecked Ideals, published 1900) deal with the life of the Serbian peasantry and intelligentsia in the late 19th century. The theme of the tragic conflict between man and bourgeois reality permeates all his novels. A prominent Serbian realist, Ranković was one of the creators of the Serbian psychological novel. He also translated L. N. Tolstoy and V. G. Koro-lenko.


In Russian translation:
Lesnoi tsar’. Sel’skaia uchilel’nitsa. Razrushennye idealy. Moscow, 1964.


Skerlić, J. “Svetolik Ranković.” In Sabrana dela, book 3. Belgrade, 1964.
Vučenov, D. “Ranković ev doprinos razvitku srpske proze.” In O srpskim realistima i njigovim prethodnicima. Belgrade, 1970.