Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute

Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute


an institute in Sverdlovsk, founded in 1930 as the Urals Industrial-pedagogical Institute and known since 1933 as the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute.

In 1975 the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute had departments of mathematics, physics, Russian language and literature, foreign languages, geography and biology, defectolo-gy, physical education, music pedagogy, pedagogy, and methodology of primary education. It also had correspondence and evening divisions, a graduate school, 34 subdepartments, a scientific-research section, a computer center, 18 teaching laboratories, and a library with about 400,000 holdings. During the 1974–75 academic year, 6,000 students were enrolled, and the teaching staff numbered 400, including ten professors and doctors of science and 150 docents and candidates of sciences. The institute publishes scholarly and scientific works in collections organized by topic—260 volumes by 1975—in the interuniver-sity series of publications. Since its inception, the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute has trained more than 24,000 specialists.