释义 |
photoscan (ˈfəʊtəʊˌskæn) medn (Medicine) a photographic scan, produced by medical technology that uses injections of radioactive substances, which shows variations in body tissuesvb (tr) (Medicine) to study the distribution of certain substances in body organs or parts using X-rayspho•to•scan (ˈfoʊ təˌskæn) v.t. -scanned, -scan•ning. to study the distribution of a radioactive isotope or radiopaque dye in (a body organ or part) through the use of x-rays. [1955–60]
scin·ti·scan (sin'ti-skan), The record obtained by scintigraphy. See also: scan. Synonym(s): photoscan, scintigramscin·ti·scan (sin'ti-skan) The record obtained by scintigraphy. See also: scan Synonym(s): photoscan, scintigram. |