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photoptarmosis photoptarmosis [fo″to-tahr-mo´sis] sneezing caused by the influence of light.pho·to·ptar·mo·sis (fō'tō-tar-mō'sis), Sneezing on looking at a light, especially a bright light (for example, sunlight). The neuroanatomic pathways of this reflex are debated; autosomal dominant transmission. Synonym(s): photic-sneeze reflex [photo- + G. ptarmos, a sneezing, + -osis, condition] pho·to·ptar·mo·sis (fō-top'tahr-mō'sis) Reflex sneezing that occurs when bright light stimulates the retina. Synonym(s): photic-sneeze reflex. [photo- + G. ptarmos, a sneezing, + -osis, condition]pho·to·ptar·mo·sis (fō-top'tahr-mō'sis) Sneezing on looking at light, especially sunlight. [photo- + G. ptarmos, a sneezing, + -osis, condition] |