renal agenesis

re·nal a·gen·e·sis

absence of one or both kidneys, most commonly unilateral with absence of the ipsilateral paramesonephric duct and its derivatives; renal function is normal as long as the remaining kidney is intact; bilateral or complete renal agenesis is associated with Potter facies and neonatal death.

renal agenesis

The absence of one or more kidneys, which, if bilateral, is universally fatal.
Molecular pathology
Renal agenesis is associated with defects of RET and UPK3A.

renal agenesis

Neonatology A rare disease characterized by bilateral RA, low-set floppy ears, a broad, flat nose and lung hypoplasia; infants with bilateral RA die shortly after birth; infants with unilateral RA have normal lungs and are asymptomatic in neonatal period

Renal agenesis

Failure of the fetal kidneys to form. Oligohydramnios usually associated with absence of both kidneys.Mentioned in: Polyhydramnios and Oligohydramnios