Acronym | Definition |
UCI➣University of California, Irvine |
UCI➣Union Cycliste Internationale (International Cycling Union) |
UCI➣United Cinemas International (UK) |
UCI➣Universal Chess Interface (protocol) |
UCI➣Uplink Control Information (wireless communications) |
UCI➣Ultrasonic Contact Impedance (hardness test method) |
UCI➣Uniform Computer Information |
UCI➣Universal Content Interface |
UCI➣Universal Class Installer |
UCI➣Universal Connector Interface |
UCI➣Upper Cook Inlet (Alaska) |
UCI➣Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos |
UCI➣Unit Compliance Inspection (military) |
UCI➣Unlawful Command Influence (military justice) |
UCI➣Urban Coast Institute (Monmouth University; New Jersey) |
UCI➣Unemployment Compensation Insurance |
UCI➣Microcurie (unit of radioactivity) |
UCI➣Unicredito Italiano (Italian banking group) |
UCI➣University Circle Incorporated (Cleveland, Ohio) |
UCI➣Union des Constructeurs Immobiliers (French: Union of Builders) |
UCI➣Utah Correctional Industries |
UCI➣User-Computer Interface |
UCI➣Universal Communications Identifier |
UCI➣Union City, Indiana |
UCI➣Ultimate Creations, Inc. (various organizations) |
UCI➣Under Construction Indefinitely |
UCI➣Unique Client Identifier |
UCI➣Unclassified Controlled Information |
UCI➣Unique Consignment Identifier |
UCI➣United Cycling Institute |
UCI➣Union Cynologique International |
UCI➣Urban Consultants, Inc. |
UCI➣Universal Coolness Index |
UCI➣Updated Coordinating Instructions |
UCI➣Unión Corresponsalía Internacional (Guatemala) |