

单词 tla



abbr.1. three letter acronym2. true love always


abbreviation for 1. three-letter abbreviation 2. three-letter acronym



Three-Letter Acronym


(Three Letter Acronym) The epitome of acronyms! While two-, four- and five-letter acronyms exist, there are more three-letter acronyms. Obviously, three words to describe a concept or product is the most popular.



Abbreviation for:
theta-like activity
three-letter abbreviation 
thymus leukaemia antigen
time-limited admission
translumbar aortogram
translumbar aortography
transluminal angioplasty
tumescent local anaesthesia


TLAThree Letter Acronym
TLAThree Letter Abbreviation
TLATexas Library Association
TLAThe Last Airbender (movie and TV series)
TLATeaching and Learning Activities
TLAThe Lost Art
TLAText-Link-Ads (Internet advertising)
TLATektronix Logic Analyzer (computing)
TLATop-Level Aggregation
TLATechnology License Agreement
TLATop Layer Aggregation
TLATop Level Aggregation
TLATechnical License Agreement
TLATime since Last Access
TLATop Level Architecture
TLATrue Logarithmic Amplifier
TLATemporal Logic of Actions (logic system)
TLATennessee Library Association
TLAThe Lost Age (game)
TLATheater of the Living Arts (Philadelphia, PA)
TLAThe Latin Americanist (journal; Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies)
TLATemporary Lodging Allowance
TLATeaching, Learning and Assessment
TLATeacher Learning Academy (UK)
TLAThe Language Academy (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
TLATrial Lawyers Association
TLATrue Love Always
TLATransportation Lawyers Association
TLATrans-India Law Associates (New Delhi, India)
TLATotal Laboratory Automation
TLATemporary Living Allowance
TLAThin Layer Activation
TLAThe Lawrence Arms (band)
TLATerritorial Local Authorities (New Zealand)
TLATechnology Licensing Agreement (contract)
TLATransformative Language Arts (Goddard College)
TLAThe Last Alliance
TLATop Level Architecture (information security defense-in-depth)
TLATimber License Agreement (Philippines)
TLATruth in Lending Act
TLATechnology Leadership Academy (various locations)
TLAToyota-Lift of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)
TLATrinidad Lake Asphalt
TLATop-Level Administrator (computing)
TLATeller, Alaska (Airport Code)
TLATerm Loan A
TLATelstra Learning Academy (Australia)
TLAThree Letter Agency
TLAThrottle Lever Angle
TLATop Level Assembly
TLATournament Life Announcement (chess)
TLATwo Letter Acronym (less common)
TLATop Level Aggregate
TLAThe Lost Agency (various organizations)
TLATemporal Light Artifact (visual perception)
TLATraining Level Assignment
TLATransluminal Angioplasty (navigating transluminally through blood vessels to perform angioplasty.
TLATerminal Lecteur Applicatif (French: Terminal Drive Application)
TLATemporary Lodging Assistance
TLATwo-Location Algorithm
TLAThe Last Ambassadors (band)
TLATalk, Listen, Act (United Parcel Service training)
TLATelephone Line Adapter
TLATermination Liability Agreement
TLATransmit Level Adjustment
TLAToulouse Lalande-Aucamville (French rugby club)
TLATrue Life Anatomy Pty Ltd (software)
TLATriathlon du Lac d'Aiguebelette (French triathlon)
TLATelemetry Link Adapter
TLATime Line Analysis
TLATenant Lease Agreement
TLAThe Language Artist (blog)
TLATerm Life Assurance
TLATravel & Living Allowance
TLATeaching and Learning Assistant (education)
TLATotal Living Allowance
TLATerminal Low Altitude
TLATimber Laminated Arch (engineering)
TLATie Line Class A (24 hours/day service)
TLATriple Letter Acronym (less common than Three Letter Acronym)
TLATerminate and Leave Activated
TLATechniques Loisirs Automobiles (French automobile service company)
TLATissue-Like Assemblies
TLAToyo Logistics America (Torrance, CA)
TLATheater Lead Agent (US DoD)
TLATransmitter Launch Amplitude
TLATop Level Alarm
TLATamilnadu Library Association (India)




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