Vsevolod Vsevolodskii-Gerngross
Vsevolodskii-Gerngross, Vsevolod Nikolaevich
Born Sept. 25, 1882, in St. Petersburg; died Oct. 26, 1962, in Moscow. Soviet theatrical historian. Doctor of the Arts (1936).
Vsevolodskii-Gerngross graduated from the Institute of Mines (1909) and completed the Higher Dramatic Courses (1908) in St. Petersburg. From 1909 to 1919 he was an actor at the Aleksandrinskii Theater. In 1907 he began scholarly research on the history of the Russian theater and folk art. From 1910 to 1949, Vsevolodskii-Gerngross taught at the Institute of Stage Arts in Leningrad and at the State Institute of Theatrical Arts in Moscow (from 1921 as a professor).
Istoriia teatral’nogo obrazovaniia v Rossii, vol. 1. [St. Petersburg], 1912.Istoriia russkogo teatra, vols. 1-2. Leningrad-Moscow, 1929.
Igry narodov SSSR: Sb. materialov. Moscow-Leningrad, 1933.
Kratkii kurs istorii russkogo teatra .… Moscow, 1936.
Khrestomatiia po istorii russkogo teatra. Moscow, 1936.
I. A. Dmitrievskoi. Moscow-Leningrad, 1945.
Russkii teatr: Ot istokov do serediny XVIII veka. Moscow, 1957.
Russkii teatr vtoroi poloviny XVIII veka. Moscow, 1960.