Santa Fe National Forest

Santa Fe National Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / National ForestsAddress:1474 Rodeo Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Size: 1,600,000 acres.
Location:North-central New Mexico. Accessible by I-25, US 285, 85, 64, and 84; NM 4, 126, 96, and 63. Nearby cities/towns include Albuquerque, Bernalillo, Cuba, Espanola, Las Vegas, Pecos, and Santa Fe.
Facilities:23 campgrounds, 13 picnic sites, trails (1,002 miles), scenic outlook.
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, ORV riding, skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Southern Sangre de Cristo Range including 13,103-foot Truchas Peak; Jemez and San Pedro ranges, with 10,000 - 12,000 foot peaks; scenic Valles Caldera National Preserve (89,000 acres); 620 miles of mountain streams and lakes; East Fork of the Jemez River, a designated Wild and Scenic River.

See other parks in New Mexico.