Vilonov, Nikifor
Vilonov, Nikifor Efremovich
(party pseudonym, Mikhail Zavodskoi). Born Feb. 9 (21), 1883, in Morshansk; died Apr. 18 (May 1), 1910, in Davos, Switzerland. Active in the revolutionary movement in Russia. Born into a worker’s family.
Vilonov joined the RSDLP in 1902 and conducted party work in Kiev, Ekaterinoslav, Kazan, Samara, Ekaterinburg, and Moscow. In November and December 1905 he was chairman of the Samara Soviet. He was repeatedly imprisoned and exiled. In 1908, suffering from tuberculosis, Vilonov went abroad; he participated in the creation of the Capri School. In late 1909 he broke with instructors and students of the school, who had organized the anti-party Vpered Group and went to Paris to join V. I. Lenin.