

单词 tbc





abbreviation forto be confirmed


TBCTrek Bicycle Corporation (various locations)
TBCThe Burning Crusade (gaming; World of Warcraft)
TBCTo Be Confirmed
TBCTissue Box Cover (various companies)
TBCTo Be Considered
TBCTrimmer Brush Cutter (various companies)
TBCTime-Base Corrector
TBCTrailer Brake Control (automotive system)
TBCTo Be Completed
TBCTabernacle Baptist Church (Virginia Beach, VA)
TBCTo Be Continued
TBCThe Big Cheese
TBCThe Breakfast Club (1985 movie)
TBCTurbo Builders Club
TBCThe Bakersfield Californian (newspaper; Kern County, CA)
TBCTrailing Bit Complement
TBCTime Base Corrector
TBCTelebit Communication
TBCTweak Block Chaining
TBCToken Bus Controller
TBCTemplate Based Classification
TBCThe Berean Call (ministry)
TBCTime-Base Correction
TBCTo Be Created
TBCThermal Barrier Coating
TBCTransparent Boundary Condition (algorithm)
TBCTennessee Baptist Convention
TBCThe Business Connection (various locations)
TBCTert-Butyl Catechol (chemistry)
TBCTo Be Cancelled
TBCTram et Bus de La Cub (public transportation system; Bordeaux, France)
TBCThe Birth Center (Bryn Mawr, PA)
TBCTequesta Brewing Company (Florida)
TBCThe Boeing Company
TBCTechnology-Based Company (generic term)
TBCThe Brothers Chaps
TBCTrans Bay Cable (public private partnership; San Francisco, CA)
TBCTokyo Boys Collection (fashion show; Tokyo, Japan)
TBCTexas Border Coalition
TBCTransport and Border Crossing (UN)
TBCTurner Broadcasting Corporation
TBCThe Big Corporation (game company; Hungary)
TBCTime-Based Competition
TBCTrinity Bible College (Ellendale, ND)
TBCThe Branding Company (Canada)
TBCTaegu Broadcasting Company (South Korea)
TBCTotal Bacteria Count
TBCTheatre Building Chicago (Chicago, IL)
TBCTucson Bicycle Classic (Tucson, AZ)
TBCTohoku Broadcasting Company (Japan)
TBCTexas Bicycle Coalition
TBCTaxonomy Boot Camp
TBCToilet Bowl Cleaner
TBCTactical Battle Command (Fort Monmouth, NJ)
TBCTupperware Brands Corporation (Orlando, FL)
TBCTelevision Bureau of Canada
TBCTwo Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw wines)
TBCTexas Biotechnology Corporation (Houston,TX)
TBCTurn-Based Combat (video game option)
TBCTechnical Business Consultant
TBCThe Business Channel (PBS)
TBCTweedy, Browne Company (investment company)
TBCTopeka Bible Church
TBCTallowood Baptist Church (Houston, TX)
TBCTo Be Contested (sport competitions)
TBCTwelfth Baptist Church (Massachusetts)
TBCThe Beloved Community (various locations)
TBCTauranga Boys College (New Zealand)
TBCThe Black Company (gaming clan)
TBCTriratna Buddhist Order
TBCThermal Bypass Checklist (US EPA)
TBCTactical Battlefield Communications
TBCThe Boston Company
TBCThe Black Collegian (magazine)
TBCTrial by Declaration (California)
TBCTelephone Banking Center (various locations)
TBCTrust Banking Corporation (Zimbabwe)
TBCTrauma Burn Center (University of Michigan)
TBCTop Back Curb (zoning)
TBCTexas Baseball Club
TBCTracker Boat Center (Bass Pro Shops)
TBCThe Bloomsbury Colleges (UK)
TBCTurramurra Bowling Club (Australia)
TBCThe Beautiful Company (UK)
TBCTietgen Business College (Denmark)
TBCTherion Biologics Corporation (Cambridge, MA)
TBCTrumbull Business College (Warren, OH)
TBCTidewater Bonsai Club (Suffolk, VA)
TBCTelevision Broadcasting Corporation
TBCTimber Box Culvert (civil engineering)
TBCTwo-Beam Coupling
TBCThe Beginning Chronicles
TBCThea Bowman Center (John Carroll University; Cleveland, OH)
TBCThe Booth Company (Boulder, CO)
TBCTangible Base Capital
TBCThe Best Clan (gaming clan)
TBCTeddington Baptist Church
TBCThe Basement Crew (gaming)
TBCToulouse Basket Club (French basketball team)
TBCTheater Business Clearance (US Army)
TBCTeintures et Blanchiments de Cernay (French: Dyeing and Bleaching of Cernay; textile coloring company; France)
TBCThe Balloon Council
TBCThe Brew Crew
TBCTribeca Learning Limited (stock symbol)
TBCThe Book Company (production management)
TBCTransportation Bill Code
TBCTelegraph Business Club
TBCThe Banana Convention (band)
TBCTbilisi Business Center
TBCTweakable Block Cipher
TBCTrahan Burden and Charles, Inc. (advertising agency)
TBCTeen Bible Challenge
TBCTemplestowe Baptist Church (Australia)
TBCTrafford Borough Council (English Metropolitan Agglomeration)
TBCTransition Benefit Corporation
TBCTechnical Bid Clarification
TBCThe Baking Company LLC (Boone, Iowa)
TBCTraction and Brake Control (Toyota trucks)
TBCTraverse Brewing Company (Williamsburg, MI)
TBCTechnology Broadcasting Corporation (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
TBCThe Bad Crowd (band)
TBCTrue Bible Code (web forum)
TBCTotal Banter Community (gaming community)
TBCTitusville Bridge Club
TBCTrue Believers Crew
TBCTuffman Boxing Championships (Canada)
TBCTeddy Bear Cute
TBCThe Bored Club
TBCThe Boggs Company
TBCTempe Business Center (Tempe, AZ)




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