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DictionarySeeactinic dermatitisphotodermatitis
photodermatitis [fo″to-der″mah-ti´tis] an abnormal state of the skin in which light is an important causative factor.pho·to·der·ma·ti·tis (fō'tō-der'mă-tī'tis), Dermatitis caused or elicited by exposure to sunlight; may be phototoxic or photoallergic, and can also result from topical application, ingestion, inhalation, or injection of mediating phototoxic or photoallergic material. See also: photosensitization. Synonym(s): actinic dermatitis [photo- + G. derma, skin, + -itis, inflammation] pho·to·der·ma·ti·tis (fō'tō-dĕr'mă-tī'tis) Dermatitis caused or elicited by exposure to sunlight; may be phototoxic or photoallergic, and can result from topical application, ingestion, inhalation, or injection of mediating phototoxic or photoallergic material. See also: photosensitization Synonym(s): actinic dermatitis, actinodermatitis. [photo- + G. derma, skin, + -itis, inflammation] |