shit happens

Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.

shit happens

rude slang An expression of acceptance of or resignation to unfortunate or difficult things in life over which one has no control. A: "I'm so sorry to hear you lost your job!" B: "It's OK, shit happens. I'll just find a new one!" A: "I just think it's pretty unfair the way she was cast aside like that after the project was finished." B: "Yeah, well, shit happens. If you want to survive in this industry, you've got to toughen up."See also: happen, shit

shit happens

Sl. Bad things just happen and are unavoidable. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.) Too bad that your new car got dented, but shit happens. Shit happens. There's nothing that can be done about it.See also: happen, shit

shit happens

VERY RUDEPeople say shit happens to mean that bad things happen in life and you must accept that fact because you cannot prevent it. `It's a shame Rob is too ill to be here — he's such an exciting talent.' — `Yeah, well, shit happens.'See also: happen, shit

shit happens

used to express fatalism in the face of an unwelcome occurrence. A euphemistic alternative formulation is stuff happens .See also: happen, shit

shit ˈhappens

(taboo, slang) used to express the idea that we must accept that bad things often happen without reason: ‘We were all really sorry to hear about you and Rachel.’ ‘Yeah, well, shit happens.’See also: happen, shit

Shit happens

interj. Bad things just happen. (Usually objectionable.) Shit happens. There’s nothing that can be done about it. See also: happen, shit