San Rafael Ranch State Park
San Rafael Ranch State Park
Location:23 miles southeast of Patagonia in southern Santa Cruz County.
Facilities:Historic pre-territorial ranch house with barns and windmills.
Activities:Park is not currently open to the public. Scenic driving and picture taking of the Valley are the only activities available.
Special Features:A joint effort of the Nature Conservancy and AZ State Parks, this siteprotects a pristine 35-square mile area of rolling short-grass prairiealong the Santa Cruz River, free of electric wires and paved highways.The ranch house is not currently open to visitors, but nature walks, anhistoric house tour, and other activities are to be offered to thepublic in the future on the southern portion of the property owned byAZ State Parks.
Address:HC 2, Box 200
Patagonia, AZ 85624
Size: 3,500 acres state-owned. Elevation: 4,750 feet.
See other parks in Arizona.