

S0350900 (shûrt′slēv′)n.1. The sleeve of a shirt.2. shirtsleeves The state of wearing no coat, jacket, or other outer garment over one's shirt: dined in shirtsleeves; balmy weather that had them down to their shirtsleeves.adj.1. also shirt·sleeved (-slēvd′) Dressed without a coat: shirtsleeve spectators; a shirtsleeved orchestra.2. also shirtsleeves Calling for the removal of a coat or jacket; not requiring a coat or jacket for comfort: shirtsleeve weather; a shirtsleeves picnic.3. also shirtsleeves Marked by informality or straightforwardness: shirtsleeve politics; a shirtsleeves conference.


(ˈʃɜːtˌsliːvd) adjnot wearing a jacket or coat