(literally, “golden brilliance”; full title, The Exalted King-book, Radiating Golden Brilliance Over All), monument of ancient Uighur letters. The manuscript was written in Uighur script; it is an Uighur translation of a Buddhist doctrinal work in Chinese. The translation was done by Syngku Seli Tudung of Bishbalyk in the tenth century. The extensive preface to the Suvarnaprabhasa contains two legends of unquestionable literary merit (one about the ruler Kyu Tau, the other on the prince and the tigress).
Suvarnaprabhasa (Sutra Zolotogo bleska), issues 1–8. Text of the Uighur version published by V. V. Radlov and S. E. Malov. St. Petersburg, 1913–17. (Bibliotheca Buddhica, vol. 17.)Malov, S. E. Pamiatniki drevnetiurkskoi pis’mennosti. Moscow-Leningrad, 1951. Pages 145–199. (Uighur text and translation of both legends.)