San Marino Investiture of New Captains Regent

San Marino Investiture of New Captains Regent

April 1 and October 1The Republic of San Marino, a landlocked nation surrounded by Italy, is the smallest republic in the world. It is also the oldest existing state in Europe.
The first form of government in San Marino was the Arengo. Under this form of government, all of the patriarchs assembled to decide on important matters dealing with public life in San Marino. This was workable while the population of San Marino was small. But as the population continued to grow, they needed a new means of governing the country.
In 1243, the first two Consuls, the Captains Regent, were elected to office for a period of six months. Every six months, new Captains Regent were appointed. This form of rule has continued to date.
Every April 1 and October 1, the Heads of State are installed in office in a traditional ceremony that follows the centuries-old protocol.
According to the rules, the ceremony begins at 9.45 a.m. with a flag-raising ceremony in Piazza della Libertà, by the Guard of Honour of the Great and General Council, the Militia, and the Military Band. Between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., the Captains Regent, the Authorities, and the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, dressed in traditional costumes, are escorted by the Military Corps in a parade that winds along the narrow streets of the old town center. After a ceremony at Palazzo Valloni and in the Basilica del Santo, they meet again in the Government Building, where the exchange of powers takes place between the Captains Regent who have just terminated their mission and the new Captains Regent who are about to guide the republic for the next six months. These ceremonies are open to the public. In fact, the public and visitors to the country are encouraged to witness these time-honored ceremonies.
An important part of this ceremony is when the Official Speaker makes a speech relating to major problems or issues of international importance.
Republic of San Marino State Office of Tourism