

 [bah-sid″e-ob´o-lus] a genus of perfect fungi of the group Phycomycetes, including B. rana´rum, the cause of entomophthoromycosis basidiobolae.


(ba-sid'ē-ob'ō-lŭs), A genus of fungi belonging to the class Zygomycetes. Basidiobolus haptosporus has been isolated from cases of zygomycosis (entomophthoramycosis basidiobolae) in humans, especially in Indonesia, tropical Africa, and Southeast Asia. [Mod. L. basidium, dim. of G. basis, base, + L. bolus, fr. G. bolos, lump or clod]


(bă-sid'ē-ob'ō-lŭs) A genus of fungi. B. subcutaneus ranarum has been isolated from cases of zygomycosis; usually it affects the trunk and limbs of children in tropical environments. [Mod. L. basidium, dim. of G.basis, base, + L. bolus, fr. G. bolos, lump or clod]