

单词 shipyard eye
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shipyard eye

shipyard eye

[′ship‚yärd ′ī] (medicine) keratoconjunctivitis

shipyard eye

ep·i·dem·ic ker·a·to·con·junc·ti·vi·tis vi·rus

an adenovirus (type 8) causing epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, especially among shipyard workers, and also associated with outbreaks of swimming pool conjunctivitis. Synonym(s): shipyard eye

ep·i·dem·ic ker·a·to·con·junc·ti·vi·tis vi·rus

(ep'i-dem'ik ker'ă-tō-kŏn-jŭngk-ti-vī'tis vī'rŭs) An adenovirus (type 8) causing epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, especially among shipyard workers, and also associated with outbreaks of swimming pool conjunctivitis.
Synonym(s): shipyard eye.




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